Mt Shasta Spiritual Tours

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Life on Venus

Life on Venus On Venus we use telepathy to communicate. We don’t have names. We are known by a sound feeling vibration and colors. We use names for people from Earth to make it easier to Connect with one of us on Venus. On Venus Since the time you are born your know who you are. We have schools outside by fields Of rainbow flowers. Colors not invented on Earth yet. On Venus we manifest food, shelter, clothing, crystals with our hearts. Using pure Source consciousness. There are no wars, judgements, or any of the low frequencies that are on Earth. Life on Venus is in the 5th dimension. Our bodies are light bodies. We are one with God. There is nothing for us but to serve the one. On Venus I am a light surgeon. The one you know as Jesus is called Ascended Master Sananda. He is brothers with Ascended Master Sanat Kumara of Venus. When Sananda was on Earth and crucified for showing people how to ascend. We brought his body to Venus. As he is from Venus as well. I helped to heal his body using light surgery on Venus. We have been together on many planets. Space travelers Sanat Kumara , Saint Germain, Sananda and Paul of Venus. During these times You are going thru on Earth. This transition from controlled corrupt government systems to a government of light. A new light will shine and sing in the universe. This will be a beacon of hope for all other people in other dimensions space or time. We from Venus love the Earth. We have seeded the planet with bumble bees , and unicorns. We have offered free energy ( not accepted by your government ). We seeded the planet with human dna. There were other star beings that also contributed from the plieadies, Andromeda and more. A new golden age is coming upon the Earth. It’s seed is within each of your hearts. Plant your seed and make a beautiful garden of harmony and permanent peace within. Surrender all your fears to source. Know you are safe. You are eternal. Sending each of you my Venusian love light Paul of Venus #mtshasta #mountshasta #venus #5d #fifthdimension #starseed #starseeds #ascension #lightworker #spiritual #being #awake #ascendedmasters #sanatkumara #sananda #saintgermaindepres