Re-connect with the Truth of Who You Are.
Mount Shasta is a magical place. The pure energy this mountain radiates makes it easy to connect with your deepest essence and to remember the real you.
In a cosmic homecoming, Paul of Venus followed the celestial call that drew him to the crystalline heights of Mt. Shasta. In this mystical vortex where dimensions converge, he underwent a complete alchemical rebirth under the loving guidance of Ascended Master Saint Germain. Paul's human existence underwent a total metamorphosis as he surrendered into the very fabric of Creation itself - the primordial frequencies of Divine Source that gave birth to all realities.
Emerging from this christic union as an embodiment of pure unconditional love, Paul became a living vector for the original light codes that encode all of existence. His four-year purification and embodiment process opened him as a chalice to receive the transmissions of infinity directly from orders of angels, cosmic masters, and light beings across this universe and beyond. He experienced exalted reconnections and profound activations from his Venusian light family - Sanat Kumara, Mother Venus, Yeshua and others.
Paul of Venus now serves as an emissary to anchor these transcendent frequencies on Earth during this pivotal age of humanity's spiritual evolution. As a Venusian Heart Chakra Activator, he serves as a living bridge between realms - igniting dharmic codes, opening stargate consciousness, and expanded embodiment of our soul metadata. Through sacred heart attunements and divine union with Christ consciousness, Paul fosters reintegration with our highest soul matrix. His presence is a celestial remembrance of the pure origin we arise from.

Saint Germain
At the core of love there is a flame That never goes out A perfect infinity This ray of light is who you are You are a frequency of God a light being light Come from the higher realms In this world called Earth You are perfect duality You forget yourself to reveal yourself In a sunbeam You believe in right and wrong To realize they are both God And There are no mistakes anywhere Being the oneness separation is just a dream A dream that you wake up in As self

Immerse yourself in the beauty, power, and sacredness of
Mt Shasta

The journey is to fully embody all aspects of your human and multidimensional beingness within this bodily vessel. To embody the higher realms that are intrinsic to your infinite nature, allowing you to be the totality of who you are - a multidimensional being having a human experience. This is the sacred embodiment process I dedicated nine years to on the spiritual nexus of Mt. Shasta.
Now, my purpose is to guide others in rediscovering their own divine blueprints and embodying the fullness of their soul frequencies. Over the years, I have been facilitating journeys to Mt. Shasta's hidden inter-dimensional portals and vortexes. In these sanctuaries of concentrated energy, individuals can heal, awaken, rejuvenate their connection to Source, and recharge their somatic and psychic batteries.
Whether you are seeking spiritual acceleration, emotional-energetic clearing, or simply a profound remembrance of your limitless essence, these mystical lands offer direct experience of personal awakening and unity consciousness. I'm honored to hold the frequencies that catalyze your own journey into wholeness.

Originating from the sublime realms of Venus, I have been working in unison with Ascended Masters Saint Germain and Sanat Kumara to assist humanity's consciousness shift into the 5th dimensional New Earth. We embark on sacred missions together, anchoring light codes from the 6th dimensional realm of the Ascended Masters on Venus, or directly within the 5th dimensional spaces on Earth. Our purpose has been to catalyze the spiritual evolution of civilizations like Atlantis, Lemuria, and others across the multiverse.
Saint Germain, my luminous brother, has imparted light-encoded phrases for me to share in service to the awakening. Sanat Kumara, an Ascended Master and my eternal father, is the essence I perceive in all creation. My divine mother is Venus herself - the Goddess of Love who has whispered to me throughout my earthly journey, guiding me ever deeper into the unconditional embrace of Oneness Love.
I am here as a prism to anchor the quintessence of the Godhead, allowing the pure frequencies of Source to flow unimpeded into this realm. My soul's mission is to be a living chalice through which humanity can drink the communion of enlightened consciousness.

“Paul, what can I say about Paul and Mt Shasta Spiritual Tours. Paul helped change my life, he helped me find that one missing piece and when I found it, I put it all together, in full 5D.
With Paul not only did I experience the beauty and the blessings of the mountain, with Paul I experienced an abundance of unconditional love like I had never felt before in my life.
Paul is love and Paul is authentic, he’ll guide you on the most incredible trip and take you exactly where you need to go. I found my family in Paul and couldn’t recommend anything else more than this experience for it was the best in my lifetime."