Bunny flat news 💜
U.S. Forest Service
Pacific Southwest Region
Shasta-Trinity National Forest 3644 Avtech ParkwayRedding, CA 96002
Voice (530) 226-2500
Web: www.fs.usda.gov/stnf
Bunny Flat
News Release
December 19, 2019
Media Contacts:
Carol Underhill
(530) 226-2494
Josef Orosz
(530) 226-2322
Twitter: twitter.com/ShastaTrinityNF
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ShastaTrinityNF
Winter recreation update for Bunny Flat Trailhead on Mount Shasta
MT. SHASTA, Calif. — The Bunny Flat Trailhead on Mount Shasta has become increasingly busy over the years due to a rise in winter recreation popularity. Bunny Flat lies at 6,950 feet in elevation and serves as the primary portal for multi-use winter recreation on the south side of Mount Shasta. To avoid user conflicts that occur mainly on weekends in the congested parking area, the U.S. Forest Service would like to encourage visitors to follow these laws and etiquette tips:
Siskiyou County plows and maintains the Everitt Memorial Highway corridor and Bunny Flat parking area. When plows are working in the Bunny Flat area, all users should stay out of their way until plowing is completed, or park on the uphill side of the road, above the restroom facility.
All non-motorized users should park in the top half of the parking lot, above the restrooms.
All motorized users should park in the bottom half of the parking lot, below the restrooms.
Vehicles with trailers are encouraged to parallel park on the shoulder east of the highway and below the main parking area. Do not parallel park in the main parking area.
Motorized use must use the marked access ramp. Please limit riding and idling in the congested parking lot. Motorized use is prohibited in the Mt Shasta Wilderness as well as any terrain above the Everitt Memorial Highway from McBride Springs Campground to the old T-Bar Line adjacent to the Old Ski Bowl. Users can refer to this over-snow vehicle (OSV) online map: www.shastaavalanche.org/page/over-snow-vehicle-map
Overnight use is discouraged in winter months because of limited day-use parking.
The Everitt Memorial Highway is often icy and hazardous. Chains or four-wheel drive 4WD are often required. Check road status before traveling in two-wheel drive 2WD vehicles. Winter towing services may not be available depending on conditions.
Other areas for winter recreation include the Castle Lake area, Pilgrim Creek Snowmobile Park, Deer Mountain Snowmobile Park, the Mount Shasta Ski Park and the Eddy Mountains. For more information about safe winter recreation, please visit www.shastaavalanche.org or the Mt. Shasta Ranger Station located at 204 West Alma, Mt. Shasta, CA, (530) 926-4511 hours Monday-Friday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (closed Christmas Eve December 24, Christmas Day December 25 and New Year’s Day January 1).
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