Mt Shasta the Mountain of Venus
Mount Shasta // a direct doorstep and elevator to the Higher Realms //
Gateway to Heavenly Energies //
The Lords of the Suns of Venus, the Kumaras, enter through Mount Shasta /
Greatest Stoerhouse of the Violet Flame //
Mount Shasta was chosen by Venus as a Gateway to her Sons
and the Flames of Venus //
Sanat Kumara Ascended Master
And the Great Goddess of Venus Ascended Master Venus
sometimes hold meetings or conferences at this Etheric Retreat //
The Eternal Rose of the HEART //
inside Mount Shasta //
Mount Shasta shall become the Heartbeat of Venus //
She will regulate the Rhythm of the Mountain to Her Heatbeat //
Mount Shasta will become the greatest Focus Point for the Greatest Love Supreme of the Empress of Venus, FOCUS of LOVE //
Mount Shasta the GREAT LOVE Mountain ♾
Mt Shasta Gateway to Venus