October 7th- 10th 2021

The Goddesses from the Ascended Master realms have called this gathering together.
The Goddess of love invites you to a

5th dimensional experience of love.

Join Paul & Jennifer of Venus as we enter the higher realms, guiding you into bliss consciousness.

A Divine feminine embodiment humanity called for help and you volunteered to come from the stars. You hold a frequency needed on Earth now.

Together we will journey through & experience:

Venusian Womb Activations

  • Venusian Twin Flame Technology

  • Embodiment of all your multidimensional aspects. Human trauma, childhood fears, the perfect being of light that you are, knowing God

  • Light Crystal Activations

  • Connection to Lady Venus, Mary Magdalene, Isis, Saint Germain, Sanat Kumara, Ascended Master Yeshua

  • Opening the multidimensional portal of your spiritual heart

  • Radiating the Goddess frequency, manifesting the Pink Diamond Ray of innocence

  • Light code downloads from sacred portals and vortexes on Mt Shasta.

  • Rememberance who you are, your star lineage & families

  • Venusian Sound Healing

  • Intuitive light language painting

  • Bodywork Massage

  • Sacred Fire & Cacao ceremony

  • Morning Breathwork/Stretch

  • 3 Organic Meals Daily


The Venusian Goddess Retreat Mt Shasta June 24-26 2022


The Venusian Retreat House Mt Shasta