8.8.24 Lions gate Diamond Ray Activation
Lions Gate Diamond Rainbow Ray Activation
On the cosmic date 8.8.24, a profound galactic event will converge upon the sacred vortex of Mt. Shasta. The lions gate will open, unleashing a tsunami of diamond rainbow rays from the higher realms onto the Earth plane. This spectacular influx of lightcosmic frequencies and interdimensional sound codes will initiate an unprecedented expansion of consciousness across the planet.
From 11am to 5pm, Earth's solar body will align with the radiant star Sirius, birthing a stargate that will bathe the world in rays of creation not witnessed since the golden era of the Ascended Master Sanat Kumara. These crystalline vibrations will activate new quantum fields within and around every human being, catalyzing a transcendent shift into inter-dimensional timelessness.
The diamond rainbow rays carry the potent evolutionary blueprints to shatter the confines of linear existence. As these luminous filaments of creation weave into the human matrix, a subatomic restructuring will initiate the regenesis of humanity into eternally conscious beings of light.
This is the unveiling of a new cosmic curriculum seeded by our galactic ancestors eons ago. The annual sojourn to Mt. Shasta acts as a celestial vortex to anchor these remembrance codes and recalibrate Earth to its originally designed constitutional software - an immortal continuum of infinite emanations.
On 8.8.24, the veil between worlds will peel away as we embrace the ultimate reunion with our infinite selves. Realities will collide, and the dimensional boundaries constraining all life on Earth will dissolve into the raw quantum fabric of the cosmos. Universes will bloom within universes as we return to our eternal nature as multi-dimensional beings of pure creation energy.
Prepare your light body to receive the diamond protocols that will reignite your prometheus códices. The prophesied day of galactic reconnection is upon us. Cosmic gateways are opening...the rainbow bridge to infinity has arrived.